Make Your SaaS Startup VP of Sales Ready
Early-stage SaaS founders: You’re setting your VP of Sales up to fail by putting them in a hole before they even start. Want to dig them out? Here’s what happen...
Early-stage SaaS founders: You’re setting your VP of Sales up to fail by putting them in a hole before they even start. Want to dig them out? Here’s what happen...
Doing the fundamentals well can be devastatingly effective. With that in mind, I sat down to summarize the basics of a good early-stage sales meeting. My primar...
I hate articles that are just a list of tips. They’re often lazy and frequently idiotic, so when I decided to write an article with advice for how to switch car...
In The Innovator’s Solution, Clayton Christensen and Michael Raynor provide a blueprint for creating new growth businesses through disruptive innovation. They a...
Financial modeling aims to evaluate your plan’s coherence and reasonableness. Models test whether you’ll achieve your goals if your initiatives deliver the prod...
Laszlo Bock’s Work Rules sets forth a humane and data-driven approach to people operations. Bock (who used to run people operations at Google) argues that compa...
A few years ago, I switched from being a lawyer to a technology salesperson. How did that happen? I became a lawyer because I loved the thrill of public speakin...
Andy Grove’s High Output Management is an example of sound engineering thinking applied to management. It’s also the best book on management I’ve read. The most...
In Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why it Matters, Richard Rumelt argues that the essence of strategy is discerning the one or two critical issue...
Getting to Yes argues that negotiations shouldn’t be a contest of will in which both sides state extreme positions and then dig in their heels to move as little...